
If you’re ready to order any of our products, please fill out and print our convenient Order Form. If you have no questions, just mail your printed order form and your payment to:
Basement Music
12228 Hollowell Church Road
Greencastle, PA 17225
Important: Please make your payment payable to Neal Walters.
Contact us if you have questions about postage on larger orders, about orders of multiple copies of the same item, if you’d like to join our mailing list, or if you have any other questions. We’ll get back to you with the necessary information as soon as we can.
We currently have a ongoing sale of all of our merchandise. Choose any 3 CDs for a total of $25.00. You may order up to 12 CDs for a low shipping price of $5.00 (media mail). Single CDs remain at the price listed for each item.
Neal & Coleen Walters

Old Friends
15 tunes performed on autoharp, mountain dulcimer, banjo, guitar, bass and concertina with Neal and Coleen’s duet singing. These are our favorites and span our musical experience dating back as far as the mid-1960’s. Titles include: “Old Friends”, “Kodak 1955”, “The Dry Waltz”, “Tumbalalaika”, “Stuff That Works”, “Maggie”, “Love and Happiness”, “I Still Can’t Say Goodbye”, “Little Bird”, “Weary River”, “Her Bright Smile”, “Blue River Waltz”, “Only a Song”, “Carolina Pines”, and “Crossing the Bar.” $15.00.

My Pathway Leads to Pennsylvania
19 tunes performed on autoharp, mountain dulcimer, and banjo with Neal and Coleen’s duet singing. These are all songs that they perform in their travels and the arrangements are designed to echo the way they would sound if they were in your living room! Titles include: “Carter’s Blues”, “Georgia Buck”, “Golden Years”, “Gulf Coast Highway”, “Sundown”, “Late in the Day”, “Curtains of Night”, “Meaning of Home”, “Shoe Heels Crackin’ on the Floor”, “My Pathway Leads to Pennsylvania”, “The Whole World Round”, “Too Old to Die Young”, “Pack Up Your Sorrows”, “Saving Me a Place”, “The Metro Song”, “Come By the Hills”, “Golden River”, and “Family Reunion.” $15.00

features Neal & Coleen playing and singing the kind of material they would likely play in your living room at a house concert or at one of the many dulcimer or autoharp gatherings they’ve managed to attend as they hone their “snowbirding” skills in retirement. The 20 tunes include Elk River Blues/Pear Tree, Back Roads, Police Dog Blues, Jack’s Waltz, I Remember Loving You, Could I Have this Dance?, Sitting on Top of the World, Aloha Oe, No Telling, Doof’s Moan, Tennessee Blues, Snowbird, Mountain Ivory, Just a Little While to Stay Here, Kathy’s Ann Arbor Waltz, She Lived Down by the Firehouse, Cornflower Blues, Sister Kate, In My Life, and Homesick for Heaven. Don’t let the cover fool you, this is HOT stuff! $15.00

Basement Sampler
Artists featured include: Pop’s Orchestra, Patsy Stoneman, Doofus, The Stewarts, Ivan Stiles, The Langley’s, Dick Ward, Ginny Mannina, Katseye, Adam Miller, Mill Run Dulcimer Band, Mike Fenton & June Maugery, The New Southern Cowtippers, Sam Stone, Eileen Kozloff, Deb Justice & Rachel Sprinkle, Karla Armstrong, and Neal & Coleen Walters. $10.00
Although involved in the recording business in one way or another for almost 30 years, it is only over the past sixteen years that we have actively sought to record other musicians. One of the reasons we made the “great remove” to rural Greencastle, PA was to create a space that would be comfortable, inviting and supportive in the making of self-produced CDs. We are extremely grateful to the many musicians who have entrusted their projects to us and who have given us many hours of pleasure in return. This Basement Music Sampler is a selection of one tune from the major projects we’ve recorded since moving to Greencastle. For some we have been responsible for all aspects of the product – recording, editing, mixing, mastering, graphics, serving as back-up musicians and even producers. For others, our roles were limited to engineering and playing backup as noted in the song descriptions. If you enjoy one or more of these cuts, be sure to contact the artist and order their CD. Tell them that we sent you!

Relatively Serious
Featuring mountain and hammered dulcimer, autoharp, guitar, mandolin, banjomer, banjo, fiddle, concertina, and bass combined with plenty of 4-part vocal harmony. The material ranges from traditional material to contemporary and original compositions. Titles include: “Love Beyond”, “Mermaid of Ontario, “Mercer Island”, “Clarinet Polka”, “Greencastle Medley, “Highlands of Heaven”, “Sunshine in the Shadows”, “Going Down to Cairo”, “My Old Home on the Green Mountain Side”, “High Atmosphere”, “Greenleaf Fancy”, and 8 more. $15.00

Handful of Songs
The Doofs second CD release, is another collection of old time and sentimental songs and tunes featuring mountain and hammered dulcimer, autoharp, guitar, banjo, and lots of vocals. The 17 selections include “Bye and Bye”, “Cheat River”, “Fishin’ Blues”, “Fine as Fine Can Be”, “Who’ll Rock the Cradle”, “Alpine Medley”, “Friend for Life”, “Hick’s Farewell”, “I Will”, “Rustic Dance”, “Who Will Sing for Me”, “If I Could Be the Rain”, “Little Birdie”, “Loch Tay Boat Song”, “Sweet Dreams”, “Simply Fly”, and “Handful of Songs”. Running time is just over 62 minutes. $15.00

What Did We Leave Behind?
The first recording of all four Doofs and is the result of a friendship that has grown around a mutual love for old time tunes, traditional and sentimental songs. Accompanying the vocal harmonies are guitar, banjo, mountain & hammered dulcimer, autoharp, acoustic bass, concertina and percussion egg. Titles include: “Silver & Gold Two-Step”, “I Think of You”, “You Are My Flower”, “Fair & Tender Ladies”, “Maple Sugar”, “New Harmony”, “Jubilee”, “Pinedale/Nancy’s”, “Remember Me”, “Elisabeth’s Waltz” plus 10 more for a 70 minute recording! $15.00
Mill Run Dulcimer Band

Sunday at the Mill
Western Country, Will the Circle Be Unbroken, John Brown’s Dream, George Collins, Uncloudy Day, Lorena, Pretty Little Dog, Darcy Farrow, Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring, Turn Your Radio On, Ragtime Annie, When the Fiddler Has Played His Last Tune For The Night. $15.00

Sweet Songs from Yesterday
Sing Me A Song, You Ain’t Talkin’ to Me, Going To Scotland/Mark’s Tune, Time Has Made A Change, Grandma Char’s/Reunion, Piney River Girl, Sweet Song From Yesterday, Whiskey Before Breakfast, Roses And Memories, Gentle Maiden, Cold Rain And Snow, Deep Settled Peace, A Place In The Choir. $15.00

Homespun Christmas (Sold Out)
Christmas Time’s A-Comin’, Lo, How A Rose E’er Blooming, Snowflake, The Cherry Tree Carol, Music Box Dancer, What Child Is This?, Joy To The World, I Saw Three Ships, Bring A Torch Jeanette Isabella, Lord Of The Dance, Carol of The Birds, Breakin’ Up Christmas, Beautiful Star Of Bethehem. $15.00

We Shall Meet
Will There Be Any Stars?, Deep Settled Peace, Balm in Gilead, Fifty Miles of Elbow Room, Turn Your Radio On, Lord of the Dance, A Place in the Choir, If I Could Hear My Mother Pray, Long Time Travelin’, The Unclouded Day, Across the Bridge, I’ll Fly Away, Resignation, Will the Circle Be Unbroken, Down to the Valley to Pray, In the Garden, Lonely Tombs, Prettiest Flowers, Sing Me a Song, Give Me Just a Little More Time, Will There Be Chickens in Paradise?, We Shall meet. $15.00
Other Products

Pop’s Orchestra
Pops Orchestra is Aaron O’Rourke on mountain dulcimer and guitar; Eli Valencia on mountain dulcimer and guitar; Erin Rogers on mountain dulcimer; and Amber Rogers on fiddle and banjo. Several guests including Don Pedi, Ezra Valencia, Dee Ann Gillespie, Doug Rogers, Coleen Walters, and Neal Walters helped out as well. Safe Haven was recorded in Batesville, AR at a gathering of Modern Mountain Dulcimer owners celebrating the completion of luthier David McKinney’s 1,000th instrument and his 10th year in business. As the orchestra desires, a significant portion of the proceeds from sales of the album will benefit the Batesville Family Violence Prevention Center’s Safe Haven program. $10.00

Strike the Harp Again – Another Autoharp Celebration
The 2nd volume of Christmas favorites from the Cyberpluckers internet group. Here’s your anodyne to the sameness of the annual “Jingle Bells” playlist! Join the Cyberpluckers and their friends in their cozy song circle as they share their favorite uncommon and original seasonal song arrangements plus a few familiar ones. Neal & Coleen do “Applachian Carol #1” and “Still, Still, Still” as their contributions. $20.00

Practical Music Theory – Book
Adapted from a successful workshop, Neal has put together this practical tool for the advancing mountain dulcimer player. This booklet covers the chromatic and diatonic scales, key signatures, modes, chords, tunings, transposing, and much more. If you’ve reached a plateau in your playing and are wondering just how to get to the next level, a dose of practical theory is going to be just what the doctor ordered. There are also a few banjo jokes as well! It’s now out of print but a PDF can be made available for $8.00

30 Old Time Songs & Tunes – Enhanced CD
Originally published as a book with tablature for Mountain Dulcimer or chorded for Autoharp together with a companion cassette tape available (good for listening and not just intended to be a teaching tape). Those have all sold out but we have now released an enhanced CD that contains all the audio files from the original cassette as well as printable PDF files of the arrangements from both the dulcimer and autoharp books. Each selection is printed in each PDF book in two keys – mostly D and F – one being more dulcimer friendly and the other being more autoharp friendly. Titles include “Kiowa Special”, “The Water is Wide”, “Oklahoma Waltz”, “Sail Away Ladies”, “Ginny Get Around”, “Jack Wilson”, “Goin’ to the West”, “Green Green Rocky Road”, “Across the Blue Mountains” and many more! Order Form. Sound Clips: Jack of Diamonds , John Brown’s March , Coleman’s March – $20.00
We have sold out of all printed copies of the Doofus Occasionals and Cheat River Waltz; however, we would be happy to sell PDF versions so please contact us if you’re interested. Each PDF is $8.00.
Occasional #1 – 18 Traditional Songs & Tunes for Mountain Dulcimer includes titles such as “Calico”, “Sandy River Belle”, “Spotted Pony”, “The Blackest Crow”, “The End of the Lane” and “Sugar Baby”.
Occasional #2 – 18 Gospel Songs Chorded for Autoharp includes titles “Amazing Grace”, “Blessed Redeemer”, “Brighten the Corner Where You Are”, “Dwelling in Beulah Land”, “Higher Ground”, “How Beautiful Heaven Must Be”, “How Can I Keep from Singing?”, and “In the Garden”.
Occasional #3 – 18 Waltzes and Old Time Songs in 3/4 Time for Mountain Dulcimer includes titles such as “Come Dearest”, “Far Away in Australia”, “Kansas Waltz”, “Peekaboo Waltz”, “Pretty Saro”, and “Boulavogue”.
Occasional #4 – 18 Favorite Waltzes for Autoharp includes titles such as “Country Waltz”, “La Llorona”, “My Own Home”, “Tombigbee”, “The White Rose”, “Peeler Creek”, “Cabri Waltz” and “Shepherd’s Wife”.
Cheat River Waltz – original tune arranged for 3 and 4-string mountain dulcimer, guitar, bass, fiddle, autoharp, and hammered dulcimer. This is no longer available as a hard copy booklet but we can provide a printable PDF via E-Mail if you would like to have it.